
Showing posts from 2016

lost soul in a fairyland

A LOST SOUL IN A FAIRYLAND ! A soul! A beautiful white soul, With essence of purity, A pinch of innocence, Few droplets of love, And magic of happiness! She was the rainbow! She deserved a FAIRYLAND! A fairyland! A beautiful colorful fairyland! Air filled with fragrance of love! Silence where souls conveyed emotions! Smiling raindrops that waved good bye on leaving the cloud! A land with musical fountains, chattering flowers, flying unicorns! But, this all was just a part! A part of the WORLD! A world! A threatening dark world, Scary woods, Endless vision of failure, All black flavors of lies, anxiety! Pain flowing inwards through the ends, Feeding deadly beasts and monsters! The soul was sinless! She wasn’t meant to cross the boundaries of her fairyland! But….. She is a free soul, boundaries never exist for her! Someday she will enter the world, Prepared or not for the fate, She will enter the world, that she is def

she was never weak

She was never weak..!! She is not weak. Neither physically nor mentally. She is the strongest, in all aspects. The day she was born, she struggled, Struggled for the survival! Since she was a girl, she had to compromise! She was supposed to ‘learn’, But all she had to do was ‘household’! She was supposed to ‘explore’, But all she had to do was ‘wedlock’! She was supposed to ‘know her partner’, But all she had to do was, ' give birth to his child’! She was supposed to have a ‘happy family’, But all she had to do was ‘tolerate disrespect’! She was supposed to ‘worship God’, But all she did whole life was, ‘pray for THEIR happiness’! She was 'destinated to the heaven', But all she choose was 'to stay around' in some form or other! She was supposed to ‘live’, But all she faced was ‘pain’! She was supposed to ‘smile’, But all she did was ‘compromise’! She was a woman, she had to compromise! All she did was above 


…… REFLECTION!! I looked at her, she looked at me! I was surprised! She was sad!!! She was about to cry! I raised my eyes, so did she! And as our eyes met, she burst into tears! I was just looking at her! As far I know her, she is the reason behind many smiling faces! Today, she is the victim of some reasons, which are hard to explain, so her tears tell her story! To whom? To world? To people? No! To me! I am the only person she can trust! I just kept staring at her, no words needed! Eyes were communicating! In my eyes, she saw her reflection! Reflection of a girl, a strong, independent, powerful girl, A fighter! who used to face every situation with a constant smile. Right now, she's broken! Then she compared that strong girl with this broken one! Silence silence silence!! Now I see something else! A beautiful curve on her face! Pink teary eyes, amazed! Now I asked her about the synopsis! She smiled and said, “Sun shined for too long, it was
......ये बंदिशें! न चेन की, न डोरी की, ये बंदिशें है, नज़रो की, उम्मीदों की! न हाथ बंधे हैं, न पैर बंधे हैं बंदिशें हैं दिल पर,  सोच पर! न किसी ने कुछ कहा न किसी ने कुछ किया! फिर भी.... ये अनकही बंदिशें हैं.... जज़्बातो की,  भावनाओं की! कभी माँ के प्यार और चिंता की बंदिशे हैं, तो कभी पिता के गुस्से और उम्मीद की! कभी छोटे भाई बहन की मासूमियत की बंदिशे है कभी दोस्त की यारी की! ये अनकही बंदिशें हैं...... जज़्बातो की भावनाओं की! ये बंदिशें कभी हँसाती है, तो कभी रूलाती है, कभी डराती है, तो कभी प्यार का एहसास कराती है ये बंदिशें! दूसरे तो बंदिशें लगाते ही हैं, पर जब खुद की बंदिशे लग जाए, तो अरमानों को बांध देती हैं ये बंदिशें!! न सही है,  न गलत है न अनजान है, न रू-ब-रू है ये बंदिशें! ये अनकही बंदिशें हैं, जज़्बातो की भावनाओं की! ये अनकही बंदिशें हैं, अरमानों की ख्वाबों की! ये अनकही बंदिशें हैं, लगाव की सम्मान की! ये अनकही बंदिशें हैं मेरी..... जिनने मुझे ही बांधा हुआ है! अच्छी भी है और बुरी भी है! प
“ Memories are timeless treasures of the heart! ”   Well sometimes it ’s good being awake for whole night, when everyone else is sleeping and you are busy thinking about the beauty of life. It’s not always beauty but sometimes or I must say, most of the time such nights are full of darkness, not the darkness of night, but the darkness of LIFE. Guys, when you are alone and you have got nothing to do, what do you do with that slot of time?  Naturally, we all start thinking about our bad times or start imagining the crap which is never going to happen, but since we are the lead hero of this “should happen” movie, so we immediately make gloomy faces when nothing like that actually happens. Or the best option one can choose is to drop the shutter of eyes and sleep. :D Let us not go to the negative side when we have many positive sides to cover. So I was talking about beauty of life... Today I am going to suggest you something! Next time whenever you feel lonely, just start thi
And I will take rebirth... When She realized, I exist within her, I was no more a part of just myself. I was her part as well, physically and mentally. From that day to the day I opened my eyes in this world for the first time, almost a journey of nine months, I was built inside her, which duration is called her ‘pregnancy’. This pregnancy was to give birth to her child, or say to bring me in this world. Now I am a part of her world, not only her world, but a part of this infinite world. From this day another journey begins... I would call this journey ‘second pregnancy’ and this journey ends when I take 'rebirth'. This time She is not going to give birth to me, but society will. This time I won’t open my eyes, society will. This time journey won’t be for birth, but for this time, birth would be according to journey. This journey may last for 10 years,or 20 or 30, or may be any number, but just a number. Actually, this journey will be depending on situations I will be facing
Biting my truant pen, beating myself for spite: “ Fool!” said my muse to me,”look in thy heart, and write .” - Philip Sidney  Well the first statement is actually the situation of a person who is trying to give shape to his thoughts. And the second statement is the answer! Looking around will never help me but looking inward will! Hey! This is Sakshi Soni, a confused, self-motivating and self-demotivating student, trying to find a better path to success. Or finding way to make money or success or....I don’ know!! As I said, ‘confused’ . One of the aims is to contribute in writing or become one among most deliberately discussed blogger. Well am not too sure about other aims, but yeah! this is one and foremost. “ to say that one waits a lifetime for his soulmate to come around is a paradox. ” What if, we find our soulmate without another soul...